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CVDB roadmap

# Task Status Work remaining Est. finish date
0 Use Django allauth Finished 0 07-29
1 SSL encryption to server Finished 0 07-29
2 Deployment with Ansible Finished 0 07-29
3 BDD testing setup Finished 0 07-29
4 CI with Travis Finished 0 07-29
5 Coverage tracking with Finished 0 07-29
6 CI also with CircleCI Finished 0 07-29
7 Basic user management Finished 0 07-29
8 CV and Work models Finished 0 07-29
9 API for uploading JSON resumes Finished 0 07-29
10 Form for uploading resume files Finished 0 07-29
11 CV page Finished 0 07-29
12 Personal info model Finished 0 07-29
13 Education model Finished 0 07-29
14 Volunteer and Project models Finished 0 07-29
Total: 0 day(s) 0 07-29